Subsidized Monographic Courses
Subsidized Monographic Courses
Courses 100% subsidized by the Consorci de la Formació Continua de Catalunya and managed by PIMEC Formació. Specially aimed at professionals in the sector, whether self-employed or salaried.
El horario de las jornadas presenciales, normalmente es de 9:30 a 13:30 y de 15:00 a 19:00h, ocho horas en total. Los grupos son reducidos, de esta manera nos aseguramos de que el ritmo de la clase es mucho más fluido.
Wedding bouquets and body decoration
Nowadays, the bridal bouquet is more than just a superstitious element. Nowadays it is the most important complement of every bride; what gives her personality and distinction. With her bouquet, the bride is saying how she is, what she likes, what is her favorite color... that is why it is necessary to dedicate her time when choosing; as well as to be advised by the floral expert to coordinate and enrich the styling of the bride.
Learn how to make bridal bouquets and floral complements, such as body decorations, to offer to our customers. This way we give an added value to those attractive and different works, and we will be able to differentiate ourselves from other companies in the sector.
Learning units
- Floral Art
- Fundamentals of Floristics
- Wedding bouquets
- Body decoration
- Construction techniques
- Design Forms
- Construction materials
- Personalized design
- Practical work
- Realization of the bridal bouquet project and / or body decoration.
- Classroom lecture. Practice
Decoration of Large Spaces
Description: El Space for us is the place to decorate. It includes from the entrance with the possibility of the exteriors to the main place where the motif of the decoration will be developed, with all the intermediate steps that may be. This will be our space with its characteristics, style, sensibility, etc., and where to make a suitable decoration, we will have to know and recognize in depth (all its characteristics) taking into account the wishes of the clients in a correct way. It is here where we will have to guide and give the reasons and why to our clients to make a suitable decoration.
Learn the proportion, the balance, in our general and individual designs, since they are a basic and fundamental part. That is why, at the time of projecting and placing in situ our designs, these must be proportioned individually and at the same time together, as well as with the space where they will be placed.
We may think that the proportion of a decoration in a space is something easy or intuitive, far from that we must be careful and systematic in calculating the needs of each space and know how to transmit these ideal needs to our customers.
Learning units
- Floral Art
- Spaces, volumes and proportion
- Architectural styles
- Interior design applied to floral art
- Design of spaces
- Construction techniques for large format structures
- Realization of decorations of large spaces
- Realization of decoration project point by point.
- Classroom. Practical.
Design of new floral products
In the same way that architectural styles have a great influence on interior design, we can contemplate interior design styles as a tool when designing new products, since they indicate the trends in decoration and the mixtures that are made to obtain new products.
To try to be creative we have to look for new solutions, which although within the context of fashion, can differentiate us from our competitors, from the articles and materials that everyone uses, trying new materials to achieve this differentiation.
In floral art, fashion is a product of the trends and customs of other articles of mass consumption, which condition both in form and in color or textures.
When looking for new products and presentations, we must take into account the products that the firms of our sector offer as new articles or materials to work with floral materials, these are usually influenced by the interior design in decoration and the character and colors of fashion in clothing and decoration.
Learning units
- Floral Art
- Form and color
- Form
- Color
- Start of the outline
- The trace
- Lines of proportion and balance
- Construction materials
- Interior design and fashion styles
- Interior Design Styles
- Fashion
- New product project
- Phases of a project
- The process
- Different hand bouquets proposals
- Classroom lecture. Practice
Presentation of floral materials for sale and window displays
The window display is the fundamental vehicle of communication between the store and potential customers, synthesizing and reflecting the style of the store, what it is and what it sells. It is a key weapon in attracting visitors.
A fundamental objective of the window display is to get potential customers to enter the store. There are some retail outlets in which it usually determines about 70% of the entrances to the store.
Catch up on the new trends in decoration and interior design that are arriving. We give you some tips if you want to get ahead with the new lines and colors that will decorate the most modern houses and spaces. The sustainability of the materials used will undoubtedly play a major role. Natural materials such as wood, stone, cork or raffia continue to gain ground for environments that seek authenticity and warmth. Nature in our lives is the trend that is gaining ground.
Learning units:
- Unit 1: Floral Art.
- Character of the materials
- Proportion and balance.
- Asymmetric and symmetric optimal points.
- Styles of decoration.
- Ambience and textures of a space.
- Showcase design techniques.
- Showcase construction techniques.
- Unit 2. Making presentations of floral materials for sale.
- Design presentations of floral materials for sale.
- Exercise on presentation of materials for sale.
- Unit 3. Realization of shop windows.
- To carry out the design of a showcase.
- Exercise of realizing the designed showcase.
The price of the PIMEC blended learning course includes all the following
floral and non-floral materials that you will need for the realization of this project
of all the compositions during the face-to-face classes