Private Monographic Courses and Subsidized Formation
Our monographic courses are courses where we deal with a single topic such as: bridal bouquets, hand bouquets, Christmas works, funeral works, compositions for Mother's Day among many others.

Private Monographic Courses and Subsidized Formation
These courses can be offered in different modalities (e-learning, blended or face-to-face) prices (depending on content and time), duration (depending on modality and content) and levels. In each course you can find a file where you can see each concept.
We have 3 basic modalities, although we are working on another one that we will launch soon, which will be the virtual classroom.
- Presence modality: It is the modality of a lifetime. The whole course normally takes place in our facilities in Vilassar de Mar, although we can also organize it anywhere. Thus, the course takes place entirely in a classroom with one of our teachers directing it. All explanations, demonstrations and corrections are also face-to-face.
- Semi-attendance mode: It is one of the two modalities that is taking more strength in recent times, together with the tele-training. In this modality the student performs all the theoretical part through our on-line formation platform, in an asynchronous way (without established schedule), as well as watching the demonstrations of the course work in videos, created by our school for each topic or course, on the platform. Finally there is a day (usually 8 hours) where the students of the course come to the school and put into practice everything they have learned with the supervision of a teacher.
- Teletraining or on-line mode: The modality that is gaining more strength in recent times. The student, in an asynchronous way (without established schedules) enters our on-line training platform. From there you can access all the theoretical part of the course, as well as explanatory and demonstrative videos of different works made for the course. At any time the student can ask any questions to the assigned teacher through the platform.
Finally, the student performs the practical work, taking step-by-step photos or videos of its execution. These photos or videos are sent by the platform to the assigned teacher, who will correct them commenting on the successes and mistakes made, so that the student can perfectly understand all the content of the course.
- Virtual classroom modality: We are currently developing this option. It is to conduct live classes on-line. Students will have access to a videoconference where the teacher will explain the different contents and will perform live demonstrations of different works. Students can ask any questions instantly and live.
Private Monographic Courses and Subsidized Formation
Depending on the duration and modality of the course, prices may vary. It is important to note that in face-to-face and blended courses all the floral and technical materials are included in the price, while in the on-line and virtual classroom modalities, if the students want to elaborate the works they must buy the materials themselves. Therefore, the on-line and virtual classroom modalities will always have a lower price.
The duration of each course can vary greatly depending on the content to be covered and the modality, let's explain why. Normally the monographic classroom courses are 3 days, where the theoretical part is included, the teacher's demonstrations, the implementation of the students and the teacher's corrections. A total of 24 hours of work, 8 hours a day, where you can deepen more or less adequately in a particular topic.
These 24 total hours, in the case of blended courses, are divided into 16 hours of tele-training during 15 days (approximately 1 hour per day, asynchronously) and finally there is a day of practical class of 8 hours, so that normally in the blended mode the courses last about 16 days.
In the on-line mode, the student can distribute those 24 hours of course over a whole month. The student can do it in 3 days if he/she wants, but we give him/her access to the course for a month. So the duration of the course is 1 month.
Finally, in the virtual classroom, the courses are 2 or 3 hour demonstrations, during several days over different weeks. These classes are scheduled and announced in each course.
Each course will always have its associated level of difficulty. Basically we have 4 levels:
- Initiation: The lowest or simple level. This course can be taken by anyone without any training in floral art. Absolutely all concepts are explained from scratch.
- Normal: To take this course it is recommended to have a minimum of 1 year of work experience in floristry or florist assistant level of studies.
- Medium: To take this course it is recommended to have a minimum of 2 years of work experience in floristry or florist officer level studies.
- High: To take this course, it is recommended to have a minimum of 3 years of work experience in floristry or a level of studies of Senior Florist Officer or Master of Workshop.
Although the levels are not exclusive and, therefore, are only an orientation, it is recommended to follow these indications so that the student can acquire the knowledge in an easy and natural way.
All these courses have a private diploma from our school associated with them, as long as they have been taken and passed. Courses leading to any other qualification will be specified where appropriate.
Soon we will publish the Monographic courses with the information of each course and dates.